This post looks at a cross-language approach to model deployment - something that may come in useful when working within a large data science / production environment.
July 14, 2020
After going through many iterations of building, evaluating and refining a model, eventually the time may come to put that model into production. There are many options when it comes to deployment - in R, shiny and plumbr come to mind - However, in this post I wanted to see if it was possible to build a model in R, but deploy it using a python framework, specifically as a web app using flask. I also wanted to try and make the app available by using Heroku. Why you might ask? Good question! Not sure how useful this workflow is, but it was good fun getting it to work!
(You can see the final app in action here:
Building the model
The code below builds a very simple model that we’ll use for deployment. This model attempts to predict the gender of a penguin based on bill length, bill depth and flipper length (data from the penguins package). You can imagine this model is going to be used on the local zoo’s website to make it more realistic (maybe)…
Next we will save the xgboost model object using the function from xgboost.
# save model, "xgmod.model")
With the model saved, we can now load it into python. Due to an issue with the python implementation of xgboost to load models from bytestring (see here:, we have to use a workaround by defining the following function:
We can now read in the xgboost model we created in R into python.
withopen('xgmod.model','rb') as f: raw = = xgb_load_model(raw)# check to see if model loadedmodel
<xgboost.core.Booster object at 0x7fd89f0b16d8>
To check the model is working and can generate predictions we can do:
# create some mock datainput_variables = pd.DataFrame([[40, 20, 150]], columns=['bill_length_mm', 'bill_depth_mm', 'flipper_length_mm'], dtype=float)# convert test datat to xgboost matrixxgtest = xgboost.DMatrix(input_variables.values)# predictprediction = model.predict(xgtest)[0]print(prediction)
Looks good!
Setting up deploment
So far we have created a model in R and loaded it to python and checked it works. So far so good. Next we can start to prepare for deployment.
For deployment, we will use flask to create a simple web app that lets users change the input values (bill length, bill width and flipper length) and returns the predicted probability of whether the penguin is female.
First, we will create a directory called “penguin-app” with a few sub directories. You can create this anywhere, but I’ve gone for my home directory desktop.
Next, the python script below will define how the app works. This should be saved as within the penguin-model directory.
import flaskimport ctypesimport xgboostimport xgboost.coreimport pandas as pd# function to load R model into pythondef xgb_load_model(buf):ifisinstance(buf, str): buf = buf.encode() bst = xgboost.core.Booster() n =len(buf) length = xgboost.core.c_bst_ulong(n) ptr = (ctypes.c_char * n).from_buffer_copy(buf) xgboost.core._check_call( xgboost.core._LIB.XGBoosterLoadModelFromBuffer(bst.handle, ptr, length) ) # segfaultreturn bstwithopen('model/xgmod.model','rb') as f: raw = = xgb_load_model(raw)# define the appapp = flask.Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def main():if flask.request.method =='GET':return(flask.render_template('main.html'))if flask.request.method =='POST': bill_length_mm = flask.request.form['bill_length_mm'] bill_depth_mm = flask.request.form['bill_depth_mm'] flipper_length_mm = flask.request.form['flipper_length_mm'] input_variables = pd.DataFrame([[bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm, flipper_length_mm]], columns=['bill_length_mm', 'bill_depth_mm', 'flipper_length_mm'], dtype=float) xgtest = xgboost.DMatrix(input_variables.values) prediction =round(model.predict(xgtest)[0], 7)return flask.render_template('main.html', original_input={'Bill length': bill_length_mm,'Bill depth': bill_depth_mm,'Flipper length': flipper_length_mm}, result=prediction,)if__name__=='__main__':
The code below is the template for our app. It includes some very simple css for style, javascript for some slider inputs to change the vales of the variables and a simple text box to output the results. This should be saved as main.html and put in the templates folder.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><link rel="stylesheet" href=""><script src=""></script><script src=""</script><script src=""</script><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><script type="text/javascript">functionupdateLengthInput(val) {document.getElementById('lengthInput').value=val; }functionupdateDepthInput(val) {document.getElementById('depthInput').value=val; }functionupdateFlipperInput(val) {document.getElementById('flipperInput').value=val; }</script><style> form { margin: auto; width:40%; } .result { margin: auto; width:40%; border: 1px solid #ccc; }</style><title>Penguin model</title></head><body><form action="{{ url_for('main') }}" method="POST"><fieldset><legend>Input values:</legend> Bill length (mm):<input name="bill_length_mm" id="bill" type="range" min="30" max="60" onchange="updateLengthInput(this.value);" required><input type="text" id="lengthInput" value="45"><br><br> Bill depth (mm):<input name="bill_depth_mm" type="range" min="10" max="25" onchange="updateDepthInput(this.value);" required><input type="text" id="depthInput" value="17"><br><br> Flipper length (mm):<input name="flipper_length_mm" type="range" min="170" max="240" onchange="updateFlipperInput(this.value);" required><input type="text" id="flipperInput" value="200"><br><br><div style="text-align:center"><input type="submit"/></div></fieldset></form><br><br><div class="result" align="center"> {% if result %} {% for variable, value in original_input.items() %}<b>{{ variable }}</b>: {{ value }} {% endfor %}<br><br> Probability of female penguin:<p style="font-size:50px">{{ result }}</p> {% endif %}</div></body></html>
We also need to move the saved model to the model directory. In the terminal we can use:
mv xgmod.model penguin-app/model/
At this stage, it is useful to check if everything is working locally. To do this we can use flask run inside the penguin-app directory. This should make the app available at localhost:5000 which you can check in a browser.
Final preparations
There are a few minor steps left before we can complete deployment to Heroku and make this really useful model available to the world.
First, the following is needed:
A Heroku account,
The Heroku CLI tool
We also need to create the following files in the webapp directory:
Procfile - This tells Heroku the type of app we are using and how to serve it to users.
web: gunicorn app:app
Requirements.txt - This tells Heroku what packages need to be installed within your app
We are now ready to deploy the model. Over in the terminal, cd into the penguin-app directory (if not already there) and run:
git init: to initialise the git repo in the directory
heroku login: this should open a web browser for you to log into your Heroku account
heroku create penguin-model: To create our aptly named (pun intended) penguin-model app.
Now we can add the contents of our app and push to heroku:
So that was a very quick tour of a cross-language model deployment. It was good fun getting each of these elements to work, and quite satisfying to see the final product. Furthermore, it was possible to get all of this woprking without ever leaving the comfort of RStudio - which is always a bonus! This post was heavily inspired this post, which provides a great introduction to the python/heroku side of deployment, and well worth a read if you’re interested.